Sample Quizzes and Tests
Breathing Exam Instructions:
For this quiz, I will be listening for a consistent airflow (dynamics staying the same on the "ts" sound.) Make sure that I can see you from the waist up. Be standing with correct posture and be sure to demonstrate diaphragmatic breathing. (Belly comes out on inhale. Breathing in through a straw position as we did in class.)
Please attach a video (using Screencastify) of you performing the following.
1. Breathing in for 4 and out on "ts" for 8.
2. Breathing in for 4 and out on "ts" for 16.
3. Breathing in for 4 and out on "ts" for 24.
4. Breathing in for 4 and out on "ts" for 32.
Singing Exam Instructions:
Solfege the next section of "White Winter Hymnal" (the ooh part) and listen to the second recording.
Following the recording sing on solfege up to measure 25.
This will count as a test grade.
Post three videos:
1. Speaking rhythm of 5-25 Using numbers (1 & 3& 4& etc.)
2. Speak the solfege in rhythm measures 5-25.
3. Sing your part on solfege measures 5-25.
Circle of 5ths Exam: