Philosophical Statement of Teaching and Learning
My main goal as a music educator is to teach students to appreciate music in a safe space where they can learn to express themselves and be creative in a nonjudgmental environment. My lessons focus on the required material which is important, but I will encourage my students to place high standards on integrity and respect for each other. I will ask the students to share information and music from their cultures with the hope this will educate the rest of the class with new views prompting more discussions and understandings. It will hopefully change the negative attitudes and hate toward others and bridge the gap of multicultural differences.
I also strive to connect music to everyday life, ensuring that my lessons are engaging and relevant, even for those who may not pursue music in the future. By demonstrating how music intersects with various aspects of daily experiences, I aim to ignite a lasting interest in my students.
My teaching style acknowledges the fact everyone has strengths that need to be developed and everyone learns at a different rate. Using auditory, kinesthetic, and visual modes of teaching, students with various learning styles are accommodated. I encourage the use of technology to aid in learning music but remind students to think for themselves. I will instill in my students that with good practice habits and hard work success is possible.
My plan is to give the students a safe, positive, respectable, and fun experience in music to take with them to the future with the hope of making a difference in their lives.
Music with Miss C on YouTube

"That is the difference between good teachers and great teachers: good teachers make the best of a pupil's means: great teachers foresee a pupil's ends."
- Maria Callas
"Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”